2024-01-30 23:07:30 -05:00

3.5 KiB

Contributing Info

Info for those who want to help out with the website.

Universally you will need to knowhow to interact with a git repo. Contact Jakub and I will provide you with an account for accessing the repos.

If we have enough interest in helping but a significant lack of needed knowledge I'd be down to host a crash course on some of this.


If you want to write stuff, as in content, that will go on the webpage, you will need to know markdown. Either search up a crash course on youtube or visit here.

We need 2 versions of each page, one in english and one in polish.

Pages to do:

  • home page
  • contact
    • include when and where zbiorki are
    • we launch after zimo so put Jakub's contact info
    • make sure anyone who's contact info is on the site is ok with their contact being published
  • about us
    • what we do
    • history


Logo design claimed by ______________________

We need a logo to use.
Remember our druzyna's patron is gerneral pulaski (if im not mistaken).
It should be somewhat adaptable for use for use with social media, as a favicon and being featured on the site.

task 2 - colors

We need a good color scheme. See here for details

Web Designing

If you want to help program the site there are some technical details you'll need to know about:

  • We will be making a static html website using hugo, a static website generator.
  • So we'll be making content in markdown files and hugo will take that and a few other resources, most importantly, our theme, which will be a fork of this theme hosted here.


  • clean up the stylesheet, its sloppy af. dont change any values for now. if we want to make any layout tweaks we'll make it later. We'll need to work on / create a few template pages. mainly:
  • gallery-all
  • gallery-single
  • calendar-month
  • calendar-year
  • calendar-single-event

and a few shortcodes that will help with sharing details:

  • location on a map

Managment toolbox

We'll also work on some tools to make running 34mdh easier into the future. Most of there are small and could be done by one person in a few hours. Big projects will be noted as such

  • Markdown to PDF for komunikats. if were gonna use markdown for the site and emails (and possibly more into the future) we might as well go all the way and draft out komunikaty in md. Best option for this is probably a wrapper script for pandoc with a latex template for our komunikats.

  • Calendar to email

    • reads the upcoming calendar entries (3 weeks + when june, all of summer) and compiles them into an email for sekretarz to approve for sending.
    • use html formating in them to make em nice and fancy
  • Email list management, will need a web component but this is lower on the priority list than the rest of them

    • will need keep track of who gets emails in what langauges
  • Deployment Script BIG
    Incase we need to move or reinstall the vps or another druzyna would like to make use of out setup, it would be good to backup and automate the setup process of the webpage and its components as best as possible.

    • nginx
    • our public ssh keys
    • main site
    • any future additions